Sergio Z. de Alba
Roy L. Erickson Civic Education Award
"In my classroom, I see young people who are eager to learn about the story of the United States and their ability to make a difference. We need to teach in a way that will inspire them to participate in civic life and work with others to affect positive change. To do that, we need to develop their knowledge and skills by providing in-depth historical and civics instruction that we know students want. Students need opportunities to explore authentic questions, dig into sources, and engage in real inquiry. This approach allows them to develop the thinking and research skills of historians and political scientists, which will serve them well throughout their education and make them effective citizens."
Sergio de Alba's classroom is not a room with four walls. It is, indeed, the entire campus. Over the past 20 years, Sergio has built various projects, including a Veterans Memorial Stage and a Patriot Plaza. He has brought a series of civics-based programs geared towards understanding the value of civics education in elementary. He developed a mock trial program, commissioned 9-11 and American Flag murals, and implemented a community service project for every year of his teaching tenure. Sergio has made an incredible impact on how students view their role as positive members of the community. Sergio believes that the most significant learning occurs when students can think and explore their role in civics in their everyday lives.